Brick to Honor a Veteran, Active Duty or Reserve Service Member
Brick to Honor a Veteran, Active Duty or Reserve Service Member
Thank you for engraving a brick for a veteran or an active duty or reserve service member. After you press the Continue button, you will be asked to complete a form to provide the information required for your brick (honoree’s name, branch of service, and conflict).
Please note: If you would like multiple bricks, simply repeat the process. We apologize for the inconvenience of doing things two or more times but it is the only way to match bricks to donations as all bricks must include a separate completed form. Otherwise, the brick will not be reserved nor the engraving completed.
By donating for a brick, you reserve a brick that will be engraved when our goal is reached. You also agree that the brick can be used in another, suitable public location in Appleton if our goal is met but Soldier’s Square is unavailable. (For additional details, please also refer to the note above on design and timing as to how and when the bricks will be used.) If our goal is not met, you will be notified and your donation will be refunded.
Thank you again for being a part of our project and for recognizing the sacrifices of those who serve.